Tuesday 17 May 2011

The short movie project...

So, let us look at what characterises the costumes of horror movies... I must admit I am quite keen on horror movies, I really do enjoy them. However, I have stay away from them due too an over-active imagination. That, of course, does not mean I cannot help in the making of one. ;-)

For IB we once made a TOK presentation on horror movies, how they work, but most importantly why we enjoy watching them. (It has to do with the adrenalin levels rising, the "fight and flight response").
In this presentation I also slipped in a bit about the costuming: I found that the costumes can be broken down to two categories.
Historical- something filled with secrets, the unknown.
Contemporary- something you could wear, strengthening the idea that "It could happen to you".

Well, that's all for now, I should be getting gone soon, early morning tomorrow.
I will have a better look into horror movie costuming, and report here my findings.

More to come later!

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